
Most common questions, if you have a question that does not appear on this list, please contact us and let us know how we may help you.

+ What is the dress code?

Wear whatever is comfortable for you; shorts, jeans, skirts, t-shirts, dresses, uniforms, etc.

+ What type of music do you sing?

Anything from older hymns to contempory christian music, and everything in between.

+ How long is the service?

Our service starts generally runs one and a half hours. Service starts at 10:00am. We sing 3 or 4 songs, pray, 5-10 minute children's message and/or communion. Then we have our sermon message, announcements, offering and maybe a final song followed by benediction and dismissal. Dismissal is usually around 11:30am.

+ Where do my kids go?

Our infant and toddler nurseries are available during our worship service. Please look for a check-in station outside of our nurseries. There you will find a volunteer to help you check your child in.

Beginning at age 4 - 5th grade, your child can participate in KidZone where we teach through videos and live teaching combined with crafts.

During our worship service we want families to worship together and understand the powerful impact it has on a child when they see their parent actively engaging in worship.

+ Where do my older children go?

We work hard to create environments for students (6th - 12th grade) to connect with God, friends, and caring adult leaders that are dedicated to seeing student’s lives changed by Christ. Again, we encourage children and youth to be engaged in our worship service alongside their parent.

+ What happens the rest of the week?

At Greenview we gather on the weekend, connect in study groups and serve at church and in our communities. Greenview is a growing church, where people of all ages can grow and it is essential to find a way to connect with others in real and meaningful ways. There are many different opportunities to take the next step toward God, so please visit our calendar to find out where you can plugin.

+ How do I become a member?

Membership is a great way of making a commitment to being a part of what God is doing in and through Greenview. We ask that everyone who is considering membership take the first step of attending Greenview 101. We believe that this experience equips someone with the knowledge and understanding of Greenview, which is truly needed to make a decision about joining our fellowship. At Greenview 101, the rest of the process is explained which includes a membership application and brief interview with the elders where you have the opportunity to ask as many questions as they do!